CRAFTING!!! by Jessica Bland It’s summer camp season here at Portland Stage. Soon, children will be flooding our building, their high pitched laughing piercing through the silent hall ways as they spill art supplies, drop crumbs while eating snack, and wreck general havoc. And we’re looking forward to it. My co-intern, Shannon Wade, and I…

The Halfway Point

The Halfway Point by Beka Bryer We are at the halfway point of our internship at Portland Stage, which seems incredible. I have just finished a week of sitting in on rehearsals for Words By as well as striking The Snow Queen, which is the only strike I have ever participated in where we did…

A Story-Filled Saturday

A Story-Filled Saturday by Shannon Wade From what I can tell there is pretty much always something exciting going on at Portland Stage, and this past Saturday was no exception. While the building bustled with staff, cast, and crew preparing for day two of tech for Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, the Theater for Kids storefront…